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Massive Devices Onboarding


Edge Xpert provides the new feature of importing massive devices and device profiles in a XLSX format through Google Sheets feature starting on v2.3.7, which aims to solve the problem of multiple devices and device resources onboarding issues.

With the functionality of Google Sheets, there are pre-configured templates for devices and device profiles onboarding, please click the link and copy the each file to your google drive as needed.

Device profiles onboarding


After cloning the template to your google drive, go to ModbusRTU > Template_ModbusRTU_DeviceProfile. There are four tabs on Device profiles sheet, which are Template Version, DeviceInfo, DeviceResource, DeviceCommand respectively.

Tabs Description
TemplateVersion The version of this template
DeviceInfo The basic information of device profiles
DeviceResource The configuration of device resources
DeviceCommand The configuration of device commands



The following instruction takes Modbus RTU Device Profile as an example.

  • Switch tabs to DeviceInfo. Fill in the information of your device. Only the highlighted field is required, the remaining fields are optional and can be left blank.


  • Switch tabs to DeviceResource, fill in the resource name and the following attributes of resources. Only the highlighted fields are required, the remaining fields are optional and can be left blank.


  • Switch tabs to DeviceCommand, fill in the command name and the corresponding resource name.


  • After completing this sheet, click file > Download > Microsoft Excel(.xlsx) and upload to xpert-manager as showed in the page Upload a device-profile with multiple device resources and device commands using the xpert-manager.

Device onboarding


After cloning the template to your google drive, go to ModbusRTU > Template_ModbusRTU_Device. There are three tabs on Device sheet, which are Template version, Devices and AutoEvents respectively.

Tabs Description
TemplateVersion The version of this template
Devices The information of devices
AutoEvents The configuration of autoevents



The following instruction takes Modbus RTU Device as an example.

  • Switch tabs to Devices. Fill in the information of your device. Only the highlighted field is required, the remaining fields are optional and can be left blank. Device

  • Switch tabs to AutoEvents, fill in the resource name and select the corresponding device name.

    • You can add either single or multiple Reference Device Name on the same XLSX row as showe below: AutoEvents 1 AutoEvents 2
  • After completing this sheet, click file > Download > Microsoft Excel(.xlsx) and upload to xpert-manager as showed in the pageUpload Multiple Devices Using xpert manager.