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Running App Services

Before running the Edge Xpert Application Service you need a configuration file. See App Services Configuration for more information

Once you have created a configuration file you can start, stop and manage the Application Service by:

Create and Start the Application Service

Create the Application Service

To create the Application Service use the p command along with the app-service argument, specifying the path to the configuration toml file with the --path/-p flag. For example,

   edgexpert up app-service –path <path to configuration toml file>

where the <path to configuration toml file> points to the configuration toml file you are using. If you do not specify the -p or –path flag then the Application Service will not be created.

Multiple configuration files can be specified using the comma character ',' as a seperator.

For example, the following command creates and starts the Application Service for app-service-config-app-1 and app-service-config-app-2.

edgexpert up app-service --path=./config-app-1.toml,./config-app-2.toml


The Application Service takes its name from the configuration file name so these need to be unique.

Start the Application Service

Once the Application Service is created, for subsequent runs you can start the Application Service by using the start command along with the app-service argument.

If no configuration toml file is specified with the --path /-p flag all the stopped Edge Xpert Application Services will be started.

#Start specific application service
edgexpert start app-service --path=./config-app-1.toml

#Start all stopped application services
edgexpert start app-service

Restart the Application Service

If you want to restart an Application Service that is already running you can use the restart command along with the app-service argument.

If no confguration file is specified with the --path /-p flag all the running Application Services will be restarted.

# Restart specific application service
edgexpert restart app-service --path=./config-app-1.toml

# Restart all stopped application services
edgexpert restart app-service

Stop and Delete the Application Service

Stop the Application Service

To stop a running Application Service use the stop command along with the app-service argument.

If no configuration toml file is specified with the `--path/-p' flag all running Edge Xpert application services will stop.

# Stop specific application service
edgexpert stop app-service --path=./config-app-1.toml

# Stop all running application services
edgexpert stop app-service

Stop and Delete the Application Service

To stop and delete a running Application Service use the down command along with the app-service argument.

If no configuration toml file is specified with the --path/-p flag all running Edge Xpert application services will be stopped and deleted.

# Stop and delete specific application service
edgexpert down app-service --path=./config-app-1.toml

# Stop and delete all application services
edgexpert down app-service

Delete the Application Service

To delete a stopped application service use the rm command along with the app-service argument.

If no configuration toml file is specified with the --path/-pflag, all running Edge Xpert application services will be deleted.

edgexpert rm app-service --path=./config-app-1.toml

Export the Application Service Logs

To export the log of a specific application service, use the logs command along with the app-service argument.

edgexpert logs app-service --path=./config-app-1.toml -o /tmp


The Edge Xpert Application Service lauches in secure mode when the secret store 'Vault' is up. Vault is up when either --secret or ---api-gateway is specified with the up command. When the Application Services are launched in secure mode the Application Services will attempt to access secrets from the Vault. As a result, all secrets required by the Application Services should be stored in the Vault. For more details about storing secrets in the secret store, refer to Secret Store