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ONVIF User Authentication

To access the camera requiring authentication, you need to define the SecretPath. The secret data should contain:

  • username: the username of camera account
  • password: the password of camera account
  • mode: the camera's auth mode, the available values are "digest", "usernametoken", "both", "none"

Set Up the Default SecretPath

The SecretPath sets the default credentials to be used by devices that do not have defined MAC addresses or credentials defined in the CredentialsMap.

If "NoAuth" is used here, devices will default to using no authentication.

You can change the default secretPath by overriding the docker-compose file:

version: '3.7'



After deploying Edge Xpert in secret mode with the following command:

edgexpert up --secret device-onvif-camera 

Inspect the IP of the device service:

docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' device-onvif-camera

Post the secrets into the secret store via the REST API of device service:

curl --request POST '' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "path": "MyCredential",

Set Up Multiple SecretPaths

If there are multiple devices requiring different usernames and passwords, you can set up the CredentialsMap for mapping the SecretPath to the specified camera via MAC addresses.

Follow the below steps to set up the CredentialsMap with Edge Xpert:


For Edge Xpert 2.3, Edge Xpert uses Core Keeper by default as its reference implementation configuration and registry providers. See Config & Registry for details.

  1. Update CredentialsMap

    We must use Core Keeper or Consul here as CredentialsMap is a map. It is not possible to override maps with docker-compose files.

    • Use Core Keeper

      i. Deploy Core Keeper

      edgexpert up --secret device-onvif-camera
      ii. Create New SecretPaths
      export KEEPER_HOST=`docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' core-keeper`
      # create MySecret01
      curl http://$KEEPER_HOST:59890/api/v2/kvs/key/edgex/devices/2.0/device-onvif-camera/AppCustom/CredentialsMap/MySecret01 -X PUT -d '{"value":"aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"}'
      # create MySecret02
      curl http://$KEEPER_HOST:59890/api/v2/kvs/key/edgex/devices/2.0/device-onvif-camera/AppCustom/CredentialsMap/MySecret02 -X PUT -d '{"value":"02:42:D2:43:C7:FC,ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa"}'

    • Use Consul

      i. Deploy Consul

      edgexpert up --secret --no-core-keeper consul device-onvif-camera
      ii. Browse the Consul and add mapping to the AppCustom.CredentialsMap

  2. Confirm the configuration in the device service

    $ curl 
      "apiVersion" : "v2",
      "serviceName" : "device-onvif-camera",
      "config" : {
        "CustomConfiguration" : {
          "AppCustom" : {
              "BaseNotificationURL" : "",
              "CheckStatusInterval" : 30,
              "CredentialsMap" : {
                "MySecret01" : "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff",
                "MySecret02" : "02:42:D2:43:C7:FC,ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa",
                "NoAuth" : ""
  3. Post the secrets into the secret store via device service REST API:

    curl --request POST '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "path": "MySecret02",


  • AppCustom.CredentialsMap is a map of SecretPath -> Comma separated list of MAC addresses
  • Other MAC address not defined here will be assigned the default credentials configured via DefaultSecretPath.