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Time Series Storage

Create an Edge Xpert Application Service that will export the data to a local time series database (InfluxDB).


The default docker-compose files (located at /etc/config) set the InfluxDB security token as “custom-token”. Of course this can be overridden, but for simplicity, this tutorial uses this default token setting

Edge Xpert Manager UI

  • In a web browser, navigate to http://localhost:9090
    • Navigate to the App Services page
  • Use the Application Service onboarding wizard to create the export to InfluxDB:
    • Select Add App Service Add App Service and use the following settings. Any fields not mentioned below should be left blank/default
Field Value
Name Influx
Destination InfluxDB
InfluxDBServerURL http://influxdb:8086
InfluxDBOrganization my-org
InfluxDBBucket my-bucket
InfluxDBMeasurements readings
InfluxDBValueType integer
Authentication Mode Token
Token custom-token
  • See the screenshot from the Edge Xpert Manager below:

  • Select Save to create the Application Service

Command Line

As an alternative to using the Edge Xpert Manager UI, the above configuration can also be defined via an Application Service configuration file which can be started via command line. The tutorial project includes an influx.toml file with the same configuration as described above. It can be started as follows:

edgexpert up app-service -p influx.toml

Verifying Data Flow

The next step in the tutorial shows how to view the data via a Grafana dashboard, but if desired, the user can first execute an Influx command to verify that the data is correctly flowing to Influx:

Optional: You can see if the data is arriving in Influx by executing into the influxdb container:

docker exec -it influxdb /bin/sh

and then run the influx query command:

influx query 'from(bucket: "my-bucket") |> range(start: -3s) |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "readings" and r["resourceName"] == "Temperature")'

Influx Query