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Docker Installation



If you install Docker using the operating system's default commands, you may install an unsupported version of Docker, such as sudo snap install docker, which may cause unknown problems for Edge Xpert. To avoid these uncertainties, please follow the official installation guide to install Docker.

Edge Xpert requires the following installation prerequisites:

  • Docker version 24.0.0 or later, available from the Install Docker Engine topic in the Docker documentation
  • Docker Compose version 2.16.0 or later, available from the Install Docker Compose topic in the Docker documentation

Both Docker Engine and Docker Compose are installed as part of either the Docker Desktop or Docker Server installation process.


The docker-compose command has been deprecated and replaced by docker compose in Docker Compose V2. Edge Xpert currently supports both versions for backward-compatability but docker-compose will not be supported in future releases.

If you need to install Docker Compose V1 on x86_64 machine, please refer to [Install the Compose standalone][10]; however, if you are using ARM-based machine, please install Docker Compose V2 directly, as there is no official support for them.

Once you have installed Docker and Docker Compose, you must add your account to the docker group, using the following command:

$ sudo usermod -aG docker <user_account>
After this command has successfully been completed, you must reboot your system to apply permissions.