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ONVIF General Usage

This document will describe how to execute some of the most important types of commands used with the device service.

Get the Available Commands

Check the available commands from core-command service:

curl http://<core-command-ip>:59882/api/v2/device/name/Camera001 | jq

Example Output:

  "apiVersion": "v2",
  "statusCode": 200,
  "deviceCoreCommand": {
    "deviceName": "Camera001",
    "profileName": "onvif-camera",
    "coreCommands": [
        "name": "NetworkDefaultGateway",
        "get": true,
        "set": true,
        "path": "/api/v2/device/name/Camera001/NetworkDefaultGateway",
        "url": "http://edgex-core-command:59882",
        "parameters": [
            "resourceName": "NetworkDefaultGateway",
            "valueType": "Object"
        "name": "AddMetadataConfiguration",
        "set": true,
        "path": "/api/v2/device/name/Camera001/AddMetadataConfiguration",
        "url": "http://edgex-core-command:59882",
        "parameters": [
            "resourceName": "AddMetadataConfiguration",
            "valueType": "Object"


This response has been shortened, most device profiles will have many resources.

Execute a Get Command - Read Single Resource

Example Command:

curl http://<core-command-ip>:59882/api/v2/device/name/Camera001/Hostname | jq
Example Output:

   "apiVersion" : "v2",
   "event" : {
      "apiVersion" : "v2",
      "deviceName" : "Camera001",
      "id" : "6b46d058-d8e0-4095-ba80-4a6de1787510",
      "origin" : 1635749209227019000,
      "profileName" : "onvif-camera",
      "readings" : [
            "deviceName" : "Camera001",
            "id" : "a1b0d809-c88a-4889-920e-8ac64e6aa658",
            "objectValue" : {
               "HostnameInformation" : {
                  "FromDHCP" : false,
                  "Name" : "localhost"
            "origin" : 1635749209227019000,
            "profileName" : "onvif-camera",
            "resourceName" : "Hostname",
            "valueType" : "Object"
      "sourceName" : "Hostname"
   "statusCode" : 200

Execute a Get Command - Read Multiple Resources

Example Command:

curl http://<core-command-ip>:59882/api/v2/device/name/Camera001/NetworkConfiguration | jq

Example Output:

   "apiVersion" : "v2",
   "event" : {
      "apiVersion" : "v2",
      "sourceName" : "NetworkConfiguration",
      "deviceName" : "Camera001",
      "id" : "24d5e391-0dcd-48f5-8706-6abb11797d29",
      "origin" : 1635868623002677000,
      "profileName" : "onvif-camera",
      "readings" : [
            "deviceName" : "Camera001",
            "id" : "87d0bcfd-aecf-4ab7-a871-2b85a3c90f00",
            "objectValue" : {
               "HostnameInformation" : {
                  "FromDHCP" : false,
                  "Name" : "localhost"
            "origin" : 1635868623002677000,
            "profileName" : "onvif-camera",
            "resourceName" : "Hostname",
            "valueType" : "Object"
            "deviceName" : "Camera001",
            "id" : "edfa8d6f-a96e-49a8-96c9-595905cbe170",
            "objectValue" : {
               "DNSInformation" : {
                  "DNSManual" : {
                     "IPv4Address" : "",
                     "Type" : "IPv4"
                  "FromDHCP" : false
            "origin" : 1635868623002677000,
            "profileName" : "onvif-camera",
            "resourceName" : "DNS",
            "valueType" : "Object"
   "statusCode" : 200

Execute a Set Command - Write Single Resource

Example Command:

curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://<core-command-ip>:59882/api/v2/device/name/Camera001/Hostname' \
    -d '{
        "Hostname": {
            "Name": "localhost555"

Execute a Set Command - Write Multiple Resource

curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://<core-command-ip>:59882/api/v2/device/name/Camera001/NetworkConfiguration' \
    -d '{
        "Hostname": {
            "Name": "localhost"
        "DNS": {
            "FromDHCP": false,
            "DNSManual": {
                "Type": "IPv4",
                "IPv4Address": ""
        "NetworkInterfaces": {
            "InterfaceToken": "eth0",
            "NetworkInterface": {
                "Enabled": true,
                "IPv4": {
                    "DHCP": false

        "NetworkProtocols": {
            "NetworkProtocols": [ 
                    "Name": "HTTP",
                    "Enabled": true,
                    "Port": 80
        "NetworkDefaultGateway": {
            "IPv4Address": ""

Execute Command Requiring Parameters

In this example, the GetStreamURI will be used as the example command. Some commands require a URL query to be passed, which is a base 64 encoded json object. The information needed for each command differs on an individual basis. This will walk you through how to get information from the device to pass as one of these queries, and use it appropriately.

1. Get the Profile Token by Executing the GetProfiles Command:

curl http://<core-command-ip>:59882/api/v2/device/name/Camera001/Profiles | jq 

Example Output:

    "apiVersion": "v2",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "event": {
        "apiVersion": "v2",
        "id": "172bc5e6-cb6c-4c3d-aeb8-193cb968d304",
        "deviceName": "TP-Link-C200-3fa1fe68-b915-4053-a3e1-cc32e5000688",
        "profileName": "onvif-camera",
        "sourceName": "Profiles",
        "origin": 1657128504840230400,
        "readings": [
            "id": "02e1c0cd-97f3-4846-85bf-dd5eff701e9f",
            "origin": 1657128504840230400,
            "deviceName": "TP-Link-C200-3fa1fe68-b915-4053-a3e1-cc32e5000688",
            "resourceName": "Profiles",
            "profileName": "onvif-camera",
            "valueType": "Object",
            "value": "",
            "objectValue": {
            "Profiles": [
                "Extension": null,
                "Fixed": true,
                "MetadataConfiguration": null,
                "Name": "mainStream", 
                "PTZConfiguration": null,
                "Token": "profile_1",   


This output has been trimmed to only show a necessary section.

2. Convert the JSON Input to Base64:


Make sure to change the profile token to the one found in step 1. In this example, it is the string profile_1.

      "ProfileToken": "profile_1"
Example Output:

   echo -n '{
      "ProfileToken": "profile_1"
   }' | base64

3. Execute GetStreamURI Command to Get RTSP URI From the ONVIF Device.

Make sure to put the Base64 JSON data after ?jsonObject= in the command.

curl http://<core-command-ip>:59882/api/v2/device/name/Camera001/StreamUri?jsonObject=ewogICAgICAiUHJvZmlsZVRva2VuIjogInByb2ZpbGVfMSIKfQ== | jq -r '"streamURI: " + '.event.readings[].objectValue.MediaUri.Uri''

Example Output:

streamURI: rtsp://

4. Stream the RTSP Stream:

Alternatively, ffplay can be used to stream. The command follows this format:

ffplay -rtsp_transport tcp rtsp://'<user>':'<password>'@<IP address>:<port>/<streamname>.

Using the streamURI returned from the previous step, run ffplay:

ffplay -rtsp_transport tcp rtsp://'admin':'Password123'@


Although the returned streamURI did not contain the username and password, these credentials are required in order to correctly authenticate the request and play the stream. Therefore, it is included in both the VLC and ffplay streaming examples.


If the password uses special characters, you must use percent-encoding.

To shut down ffplay, use the ctrl-c command.