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OPC-UA Device Service

The Open Platform Communications - Unified Architecture (OPC-UA) Device Service provides a means of integrating OPC-UA devices with Edge Xpert. For further information about OPC-UA, refer to the OPC Foundation website.

The Edge Xpert OPC-UA Device Service is based on open62541, a well-known open-source implementation of the IEC-62541 OPC-UA standard.

Key Features

The OPC-UA Device Service supports the following key features:

  • Secure and insecure connections to a remote OPC-UA Server
  • Reading and writing OPC-UA nodes
  • Monitored Item Service for monitoring Data Change Items and Event Items
  • Browse Service capabilities
  • Discovery of OPC-UA endpoints


OPC-UA subscriptions allow the monitoring of nodes in a remote server.

Each connection sets up a distinct Subscription Item, which can contain one or more Monitored Items. When a Monitored Item changes on the server, the server is responsible for notifying subscribed Device Services of the change. When the OPC-UA Device Service is notified of a change, it returns the new value for the Monitored Item in a POST command to Edge Xpert.

For further information on Monitored Items, see Add Monitored Items.

Supported Data Types

The following table lists the OPC-UA data types and their equivalent Edge Xpert data types.

OPC-UA Data Type Edge Xpert Data Type
UA_Boolean Bool
UA_Byte Uint8
UA_DateTime Int64
UA_Double Float64
UA_Float Float32
UA_Int8 Int8
UA_Int16 Int16
UA_Int32 Int32
UA_Int64 Int64
UA_String String
UA_UInt16 Uint16
UA_UInt32 Uint32
UA_UInt64 Uint64

OPC-UA Device Profile

The device profile defines what resources are available on a particular device. The following profile attributes are available:

Change in Edge Xpert v2.3

  • The attribute monitored and publishInterval have been removed
Attribute Description Valid Values Mandatory
nodeAttribute The node attribute that the resource is referencing String - See the Node Attribute section for valid values Yes, unless browseStartNodeId is defined
nodeId The identifier of the node in the OPC-UA server See NodeId Yes, unless browseStartNodeId is defined
dataTypeId The node identifier of the OPC-UA data type of the value attribute See NodeId No, only required if nodeAttribute equals "value"
browseStartNodeId Information on the root node.
Must contain the identifier, identifierType and namespace index.

Note this information can also be passed to the device onboarding call via the OPC-UA RootNode protocol property
See NodeId No
browsePath The name of a child node qualified with a namespace URI, relative to either the `browseStartNodeId` attribute String No, only required if browseStartNodeId is set
browsePathNamespaceIndex The namespace index of the node in the OPC-UA server A valid UInt16 value No, only required if browseStartNodeId is set

An example device resource can be seen below. This defines a node that is identified through the use of a dataTypeId and nodeId.

 - description: A Simulated Counter
   name: Counter1
   isHidden: false
     valueType: Uint32
     readWrite: R
     units: String
     defaultValue: "0"
        identifier: 4
        identifierType: NUMERIC
        namespaceIndex: 0
      nodeAttribute: value
        identifier: Int16
        identifierType: STRING
        namespaceIndex: 5
For information on adding devices with the browsePath attribute instead of nodeID, see OPC-UA Browse Service.

OPC-UA Protocol Properties

The available OPC-UA protocol properties are described in the following table:

Parameter Type Description Default Value
Address String Mandatory

The URI of the OPC-UA server in the following format:

<myServerAddress>:<serverPort><endpointPath> e.g

SecurityPolicy String Optional

The security policy to be used for connecting to the OPC-UA server. Valid values are as follows:
  • None
  • Basic256
  • Basic128Rsa15
  • Basic256Sha256
  • Aes128Sha256RsaOaep
Username String Optional

The username to be used during connection to an endpoint
Password Base64-encoded String Optional

The password associated with the username used during connection to an endpoint
ApplicationUri String Optional

The URI associated with any certificate used to connect to the remote OPC-UA server
SecurityMode String Optional

The message security mode used with secure connections to the OPC-UA server Valid values are as follows:
  • None
  • Sign
  • SignEncrypt
Certificate String Optional

The name of the DER file containing the certificate to use when establishing a secure connection
PrivateKey String Optional

The name of the DER file containing the private key to use when establishing a secure connection
RequestedSessionTimeout UInt32 Optional

The suggested timeout, in milliseconds (ms), for inactive sessions created between the device service and an OPC-UA server endpoint
SessionKeepAliveInterval Float64 Optional

The interval (ms) at which the client sends requests to keep the session alive
RootNode String Optional

The starting point for the Browse Service
The servers root folder node
ConnectionReadingPostDelay UInt64 Optional

Delay (ms) to receiving monitored item readings after the device is added
ReadBatchSize UInt16 Optional

Default batch size for grouping read requests. This value will be used if the servers capabilities can not be accessed
WriteBatchSize UInt16 Optional

Default batch size for grouping write requests. This value will be used if the servers capabilities can not be accessed
NodesPerBrowse UInt16 Optional

Default number of nodes that are requested in a browse request. This value will be used if the servers capabilities can not be accessed

Using the OPC-UA Device Service

For information on using the OPC-UA device service, see OPC-UA General Example and OPC-UA Security Example.