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ONVIF Camera Device Service

The ONVIF Camera Device Service provides a means of integrating ONVIF Camera with Edge Xpert.

The Edge Xpert ONVIF Camera Device Service can be used to communicate with cameras that use the ONVIF protocol. For further information on the ONVIF protocol, refer to the ONVIF website.

Key Features

The ONVIF Camera Device Service supports the following key features:

  • User Authentication
  • Auto Discovery
  • Network Configuration
  • System Function
  • PTZ
  • Event Handling

The full feature list can refer to ONVIF features.

ONVIF Camera Device Profile

The device profile defines what resources are available on a particular device. The following attribute is required for all ONVIF Camera device resources. It has three accepted values, which are listed in the table below. For further information on the accepted values, see Additional Attributes.

Attribute Type Required Description
service String Yes The ONVIF web service name

Available values are specified in the: key features and custom features
getFunction String No The ONVIF function name for get operation
Available values are specified in the: key features and custom features
setFunction String No The ONVIF function name for set operation
Available values are specified in the: key features and custom features

Additional Properties


This feature is newly introduced on v2.3.8.

Edge Xpert now supports the property positionTour. Users can define the target position and interval to the camera beforefine, this way camera will perform the positionTour based on the predined setting of the position and intervals.

Property Description
interval Indicates the frequency of positionTour
positions Indicates the position of positionTour
Property Description
duration Indicates the duration of positionTour
cameraAction select the cameraAction tab for more information
position Specify the position whert the camera perform the action
Property Description
action Specify the action of the camera (takeSnapshot/ recordVideo)
storagePath Specify the location to storage the snapshot or video


The following json payload is an example of property positionTour

  • The camera will move to position (10,0,0), take the 5 second snapshot, and store it to the path /camera/data/snapshot; then the camera will move to position (30,0,0), take the 5 second video, and store it to the path /camera/data/video. The camera will perform the same action after 1 minute.

Additional Attributes

There are additional attributes that are required for ONVIF event handling.

Attribute Type Required Description
subscribeType String Yes The ONVIF event subscription type

Available values are PullPoint and BaseNotification
defaultAutoRenew Bool No Subscription will auto-renew before out of date

Available values are true or false
defaultSubscriptionPolicy String No The default subscription policy
defaultInitialTerminationTime String No The default subscription lifetime with specified duration. For example, PT1H.
defaultTopicFilter String No The default XPATH expression to filter the event. For example, tns1:RuleEngine/TamperDetector
defaultMessageContentFilter String No The default XPATH expression to filter the event. For example, boolean(//tt:SimpleItem[@Name=”IsTamper”])
defaultMessageTimeout String No The default Timeout for PullMessage. Maximum time to block until this method returns. For example, PT5S
defaultMessageLimit Uint16 No The default message limit for PullMessage. Upper limit for the number of messages to return at once, For example, 10

Using the ONVIF Camera Device Service

An example of setting up and using devices with the Edge Xpert ONVIF Camera Device Service can be found at ONVIF Camera Example Page.