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ONVIF Features

Key Features

The ONVIF Camera Device Service supports the following key features:

Feature ONVIF Web Service ONVIF Function EdgeX Value Type
User Authentication Core WS-Usernametoken Authentication Object
HTTP Digest Object
Auto Discovery Core WS-Discovery Object
Device GetDiscoveryMode Object
SetDiscoveryMode Object
GetScopes Object
SetScopes Object
AddScopes Object
RemoveScopes Object
Network Configuration Device GetHostname Object
SetHostname Object
GetDNS Object
SetDNS Object
GetNetworkInterfaces Object
SetNetworkInterfaces Object
GetNetworkProtocols Object
SetNetworkProtocols Object
GetNetworkDefaultGateway Object
SetNetworkDefaultGateway Object
System Function Device GetDeviceInformation Object
GetSystemDateAndTime Object
SetSystemDateAndTime Object
SetSystemFactoryDefault Object
SystemReboot Object
User Handling Device GetUsers Object
CreateUsers Object
DeleteUsers Object
SetUser Object
Metadata Configuration Media GetMetadataConfiguration Object
GetMetadataConfigurations Object
GetCompatibleMetadataConfigurations Object
GetMetadataConfigurationOptions Object
AddMetadataConfiguration Object
RemoveMetadataConfiguration Object
SetMetadataConfiguration Object
Video Streaming Media GetProfiles Object
GetStreamUri Object
VideoEncoder Config Media GetVideoEncoderConfiguration Object
SetVideoEncoderConfiguration Object
GetVideoEncoderConfigurationOptions Object
PTZ Configuration PTZ GetNode Object
GetConfigurations Object
GetConfiguration Object
GetConfigurationOptions Object
SetConfiguration Object
Media AddPTZConfiguration Object
Media RemovePTZConfiguration Object
PTZ Actuation PTZ AbsoluteMove Object
RelativeMove Object
ContinuousMove Object
Stop Object
GetStatus Object
GetPresets Object
GotoPreset Object
RemovePreset Object
PTZ Home Position PTZ GotoHomePosition Object
SetHomePosition Object
PTZ AuxiliaryOperations PTZ SendAuxiliaryCommand Object
Event Handling Event Notify Object
Subscribe Object
Renew Object
Unsubscribe Object
CreatePullPointSubscription Object
PullMessages Object
TopicFilter Object
MessageContentFilter Object
Configuration of Analytics profile Media2 GetProfiles Object
GetAnalyticsConfigurations Object
AddConfiguration Object
RemoveConfiguration Object
Analytics Module configuration Analytics GetSupportedAnalyticsModules Object
GetAnalyticsModules Object
CreateAnalyticsModules Object
DeleteAnalyticsModules Object
GetAnalyticsModuleOptions Object
ModifyAnalyticsModules Object
Rule configuration Analytics GetSupportedRules Object
GetRules Object
CreateRules Object
DeleteRules Object
GetRuleOptions Object
ModifyRule Object


The functions in the bold text are mandatory for Onvif protocol.

Custom Features

The device service also include custom function to enhance the usage for the EdgeX user.

Feature Service Function EdgeX Value Type Description
System Function EdgeX RebootNeeded Bool Read only. Used to indicate the camera should reboot to apply the configuration change
System Function EdgeX CameraEvent Bool A device resource which is used to send the async event to north bound
System Function EdgeX SubscribeCameraEvent Bool Create a subscription to subscribe the event from the camera
System Function EdgeX UnsubscribeCameraEvent Bool Unsubscribe all subscription from the camera
Media EdgeX GetSnapshot Binary Get Snapshot from the snapshot uri
Custom Metadata EdgeX CustomMetadata Object Read and write custom metadata to the camera entry in EdgeX
Custom Metadata EdgeX DeleteCustomMetadata Object Delete custom metadata fields from the camera entry in EdgeX