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CSV Example: OPC-UA

Below is an example CSV file for an OPC-UA device:

name description units valueType readWrite nodeId.identifier nodeId.identifierType nodeId.namespaceIndex dataTypeId.identifier dataTypeId.identifierType dataTypeId.namespaceIndex nodeAttribute
Atribute1 Description1 Unit1 Uint16 R 1 NUMERIC 1 1 NUMERIC 1 value
Attribute2 Description2 Unit2 Uint16 R 2 NUMERIC 2 2 NUMERIC 2 value
Attribute3 Description3 Unit3 Uint16 R 3 NUMERIC 3 3 NUMERIC 3 value

The columns are defined by the protocol attributes, with a new device resource on each row:


name is a mandatory attribute.


Any attribute that does not belong to the device resource property will be treated as a device resource attribute. These are attributes specific to the protocol. In the case of OPC-UA and in this example above, these are nodeId, dataTypeId, and nodeAttribute.

Optional items such as OPC-UA browse path attributes can also be added to the csv file. For example:


You can find further information about attributes for OPC-UA devices, see the Edge Xpert and Edge XRT documentation.