Ethernet/IP Simulator Guide
The Ethernet/IP Simulator is a Ethernet/IP Server that can be used as an endpoint for testing communication with the Ethernet/IP Device Service Component.
Currently this simulator supports: - Explicit communication. - Implicit communication. - Logix Tags
Downloading the Simulator
docker pull iotechsys/ethernetip-sim:1.0
Running on the Same Host as the Device Service
docker run -i --rm --name=ethernetip-sim iotechsys/ethernetip-sim:1.0
The IP address of the simulator will be that of the docker container itself.
Find the IP address of the simulator container using:
docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' ethernetip-sim
Running on a Different Host From the Device Service
docker run -i --rm --name=ethernetip-sim iotechsys/ethernetip-sim:1.0 <network_interface>
Where <network_interface>
is the desired host network interface to run the simulator.
The IP address of the simulator will be that of the network interface used. This will be the IP address used for provisioning the simulator with the device service.
Stopping the simulator
docker stop ethernetip-sim