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Linux Device Component

The Linux Device component facilitates the attainment of system metrics on the target that Edge Xrt is executing on.

The Device component supports the following:

  • Acquirement of CPU, Disk I/O, Memory, Network Interface, and Network I/O system statistics.
  • Statistics are obtained at a specified interval in units of milliseconds.
  • Metrics are published on a specified topic.

Linux Device Configuration

The following table describes the configuration variables that can be used with the Linux Device component:

Parameter Type Description Valid Values Required
Bus String The name of the Bus component to use The name of an existing Bus component Y
Logger String The name of the Logger component to use The name of an existing Logger component N
ThreadPool String The name of the ThreadPool component to use The name of an existing Threadpool component Y
Scheduler String The name of the Scheduler component to use The name of an existing Scheduler component Y
Schedules Object Contains the Schedules configuration for the Device The Device Schedules configuration
For further information, see the table below

Schedules Fields

The Schedules fields are described in the following table:

Parameter Type Description Valid Values
Interval Unsigned Integer Obtain metrics at given interval Interval in milliseconds
Topic String The topic to publish on A valid topic name
SeparateEvents Boolean If True, all specified metrics published in a single message
If False, each specified metric is published individually
Boolean value
Sync Boolean If True, push data immediately to the subscriber
If False, schedule delivery using a pool thread
Boolean value
Metrics Array of Strings Enable specified metrics Valid values are as follows:
  • CPU
  • Memory
  • DiskIO
  • NetworkIO
  • NetworkInterface

IOTech provides the following template, you can update this to meet your requirements:

  "Library": "",
  "Factory": "xrt_linux_device_factory",
  "Bus": "bus",
  "Schedules": [
    { "Interval": 250, "Metrics": ["CPU", "Memory"], "Topic": "device/metrics1", "SeparateEvents": false, "Sync": true},
    { "Interval": 500, "Metrics": ["NetworkIO", "CPU"], "Topic": "device/metrics2", "SeparateEvents": true},
    { "Interval": 1000, "Metrics": ["DiskIO"], "Topic": "device/metrics3", "SeparateEvents": false, "Sync": true},
    { "Interval": 5000, "Metrics": ["NetworkInterface"], "Topic": "device/metrics4", "SeparateEvents": false},
    { "Interval": 10000, "Metrics": ["Memory", "CPU", "DiskIO"], "Topic": "device/metrics5", "SeparateEvents": true}