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Installation Instructions

About This Manual

This manual describes the following:

Software Installation

The method used to install Edge Xrt differs depending on the system that you are using. Where possible, Edge Xrt is delivered using the standard packaging system for distribution; if this is not possible, standard compressed TAR or ZIP files are used.


IOTech recommends that all installations are done as root. The installation instructions in this document, with the exception of the Debian-based installation instructions, provide the commands for installations done as root.

The following table shows which systems and architectures support Edge Xrt, and provides a direct link to the appropriate installation instructions:

System AMD64 ARM64 ARM32 Instructions
Debian 10, 11 Yes Yes Yes Link
Alpine 3.15, 3.16, 3.17 Yes Yes Yes Link
Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 Yes Yes Yes Link
Fedora 36 Yes Yes No Link
OpenSUSE 15.4 Yes Yes Yes Link
Photon 4.0 Yes Yes No Link
ClearLinux Yes No No Link
Windows Subsystem for Linux Yes No No Link
Zephyr 2.3 Yes Yes Yes Link
AzureSphere Yes No No Link

The core Edge Xrt framework requires support for the standard C library and Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) API. This means that it can be ported to any real-time operating system (RTOS) that supports these features.


Some individual Xrt components may have more restrictive API requirements and, therefore, not all Xrt component modules are supported on all platforms.


IOTech provides dependent libraries as packages on all supported platforms. The dependencies are managed by the package manager, when possible. If this behavior is not supported, instructions for installing the dependencies manually are included in the relevant section of this document.

Install on Debian-based Systems

This method uses deb packages to install Edge Xrt. It is used for all systems that are based on the Debian packaging mechanism such as Debian and Ubuntu. To install Edge Xrt using .deb packages, complete the following steps:

1. Install required installation packages:

sudo apt-get install lsb-release apt-transport-https curl gnupg

2. Add the key for the IOTech repository:

For Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/iotech.gpg


curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

3. Register the IOTech repository:

For Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/iotech.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iotech.list


echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iotech.list

4. Update repositories:

sudo apt-get update

5. Install Edge Xrt:

sudo apt-get install iotech-xrt-2.1

Install on RPM-based Systems

RPM-based systems, such as Fedora and SUSE, do not all use the same package management system or support the same packages. This means that the installation instructions for RPM-based systems are specific to the system. You can install Edge Xrt on the following RPM-based systems:

Install on Fedora 36

To install Edge Xrt on Fedora 36 as root, complete the following steps:

  1. Add the IOTech repository

    cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/iotech.repo << "EOF"
    name=IOTech Repository (Non-OSS)

  2. Update YUM repositories

    yum makecache

  3. Install Edge Xrt

    yum install iotech-xrt-2.1

Install on OpenSUSE Leap 15.4

To install Edge Xrt on OpenSUSE Leap 15.4 as root, complete the following steps:

  1. Add the IOTech repository

    zypper addrepo --name "IOTech Repository (Non-OSS)" repo-iotech-non-oss

  2. Update Zypper repositories

    zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh repo-iotech-non-oss

  3. Install Edge Xrt

    zypper install iotech-xrt-2.1

Install on Photon 4.0

To install Edge Xrt on Photon 4.0 as root, complete the following steps:

  1. Add the IOTech repository

    cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/iotech.repo << "EOF"
    name=IOTech Repository (Non-OSS)

  2. Update TDNF repositories

    tdnf makecache

  3. Install Edge Xrt

    tdnf install iotech-xrt-2.1

Install on Alpine Linux Systems

To install Edge Xrt on Alpine Linux Systems as root, complete the following steps:

  1. Install the IOTech repository key:

    wget -O /etc/apk/keys/

  2. Add the IOTech repository:

    echo "" >> /etc/apk/repositories
    apk update


    If not using Alpine 3.16, replace v3.16 in this command with the correct version.

  3. Install Edge Xrt:

    apk add iotech-xrt-2.1

Install on ClearLinux Systems

As ClearLinux is a rolling distribution, please contact IOTech for build and versioning requirements.

Install on Windows Subsystem for Linux

  1. Install Windows Subsystem for Linux.
  2. Using a WSL terminal follow the steps for Ubuntu 22.04.

Install for Zephyr RTOS

Zephyr projects are built for a specific target platform, architecture and set of features. This means that each project requires a custom build.

IOTech can support evaluation builds for QEMU, ACRN, and the ARM NXP FRDM-K64F board. For further information contact IOTech Support.

Install for Azure Sphere

Edge Xrt is supported on micro-controllers running Microsoft Azure Sphere.

Azure Sphere applications are cross-compiled on either Ubuntu or Windows hosts, so Edge Xrt for Azure Sphere must also be installed on the development host.


As all Edge Xrt Azure Sphere applications must be compiled on the development host, there is not a separate development package. The currently supported development hosts are Ubuntu 20.04 and Windows 10.

For further information on building, deploying and integrating Edge Xrt with the Azure Cloud, refer to the Xrt for Azure Sphere Guide.

Install on Ubuntu Development Host

To install Xrt Azure Sphere, complete the following steps:

  1. Install the Azure Sphere SDK. For further information on installing the Azure Sphere SDK on Ubuntu, refer to the Linux installation quickstart section of the Azure Sphere documentation

  2. Install the packages, using the following command:

    apt-get install lsb-release apt-transport-https curl gnupg

  3. Add the key for the IOTech repository, using the following command:

    curl -fsSL | apt-key add -

  4. Register the IOTech repository:

    echo "deb $(lsb_release - cs) main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iotech.list

  5. Update the repositories:

    apt update

  6. Install Edge Xrt:

    apt-get install iotech-xrt-azsphere15-2.1-dev

Install on Windows 10 Development Host

To install Xrt Azure Sphere, as root, complete the following steps:

  1. Install the Azure Sphere SDK. For further information on installing the Azure SDK on Windows 10, refer to the Windows installation quickstart section of the Azure Sphere documentation

  2. Download the Edge Xrt .zip package from the IOTech repository:

    curl -L -O

  3. Open Windows File Explorer

  4. Select the downloaded .zip package and extract the files to the following location:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Azure Sphere SDK\Sysroots\12

License Installation

You must obtain a license for Edge Xrt before you can use or test any Xrt component, as Edge Xrt checks for licensing permission before instantiating any component.


If running Edge Xrt on Microsoft Azure Sphere, you do not need to obtain a license for Edge Xrt.
To obtain an Edge Xrt license, which is a file called Xrt_license.lic, contact IOTech Support.

When you have obtained the Edge Xrt license file you must ensure that Edge Xrt can locate the license in one of the following ways:

  1. Set the XRT_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to the absolute path to the license file, using the following command, where <path> is the full path to your license file:

    export XRT_LICENSE_FILE=<path>/Xrt_license.lic

  2. Copy the license file to the config directory used in your test and rename the file from Xrt_license.lic to license.json.

  3. Place the license file in the default installation location; that is, the /opt/iotech/xrt directory. Rename the file from Xrt_license.lic to license.json

Installation Test

Before testing an installation, do the following:

  1. Copy the examples from the distribution

  2. If using the iotech-xrt-dev package and you have modified the example, build the example

  3. Obtain and install the license, as described previously.

As different systems install packages in different locations, you might need to update the file, which sets environment variables including PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If using the iotech-xrt-dev package, you might also need to update the Makefile.defs file to deal with variant library names or header inclusion paths. You can then test an installation. For example, you could test an installation as follows:

  1. Load the file, using the following command:

    source /opt/iotech/xrt/bin/

  2. Copy the examples to a temporary directory, using the following command:

    cp -R /opt/iotech/xrt/examples .

  3. Navigate to the temporary directory, using the following command:

    cd examples

  4. If using the iotech-xrt-dev package, build the examples using the following command:


  5. Navigate to the example you want to run, for example, for the Container example:

    cd container

  6. Run the Xrt application, using the following command, where provides the location of the config folder and [<time_in_seconds>] allows you to define the time for which Edge Xrt is to run in seconds if required:

    xrt <config> [<time_in_seconds>]


    The [<time_in_seconds>] parameter is optional. If not set, Edge Xrt runs until stopped manually.

    For example, to use the container component configuration and run the test for five seconds, the commands are as follows:

    xrt config 5


    The provided configuration data expects the test to be run from the location in which the config directory is available.