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Schedule the Publication of Readings

Parameters Description

The following table describes the configuration parameters that can be used with each object in the array of objects for schedules:

Parameter Type Description Valid Values Required
device String The name of the device providing readings, as configured in the Devices parameter A valid device name Y
resource String The name of the device resource to publish, as configured in the Devices parameter A valid device resource. The following naming can be used:
  • Single resource - "resource-name"
  • Multiple resources - "resource-1","resource-2"
  • Wildcards - ".*","resource-.*"
interval Unsigned Integer The interval in microseconds between the publication of each reading Y

For further information on the Schedules and Devices parameters, see Device Service Component Configuration.

Schedule Configuration Example

Below is an example of a schedules.json file demonstrating the format and options available:

  "apiVersion": "v2",
  "schedules": [
      "device": "bacnet-ip-sim",
      "interval": 3000000,
      "name": "schedule1",
      "resource": [