MQTT Bridge Component
The MQTT bridge component extends the Bus across multiple nodes.
Subscribed topics on one node are published using an MQTT client to republish on the Bus present on another node.
MQTT Bridge Configuration
The following tables describe the configuration variables that can be used with the MQTT bridge component:
- MQTT Bridge Configuration Variables
- MQTT Configuration Variables
- MQTT Client Configuration Variables
- MQTT SSL Configuration Variables
MQTT Bridge Configuration Variables
Parameter | Type | Description | Valid Values | Required Y/N |
Bus | String | The name of the Bus component to use | The name of an existing Bus component | Y |
Logger | String | The name of the Logger component to use | The name of an existing Logger component | N |
QueueSize | Unsigned Integer | The size of the queue for the subscriber to hold messages | Default: 4 | N |
Cookie | Integer | The cookie value for the subscriber | A valid cookie | N |
Patterns | Array of Strings | Array of patterns to match on the Bus component for subscription | Y | |
MQTTPatterns | Array of Strings | Array of patterns to match for MQTT subscription | Pattern, or patterns, to match | Y |
Compress | Array of Objects | An array of maps with each map containing MQTT Topic name and Compression Type | Only gzip compression type is supported |
N |
MQTTConfig | Object | The MQTT configuration to use | See MQTT Configuration Variables | Y |
MQTT Configuration Variables
The following table describes the MQTT configuration variables:
Parameter | Type | Description | Valid Values | Required |
ServerURI | String | The URI of the MQTT server to use | The URI where the MQTT server is started | Y |
ClientID | String | The name of the MQTT client to use | The name of an MQTT client | Y |
QoS | Unsigned Integer |
Specifies the MQTT quality of service level
Valid values are as follows:
N |
MQTTInstance | Unsigned Integer |
The instance type
If using Google Cloud, this must be set to 1 |
Valid values are as follows:
N |
ClientConfig | Object | The MQTT Client configuration to use | See MQTT Client Configuration Variables | N |
MQTT Client Configuration Variables
The following table describes the MQTT client configuration variables:
Parameter | Type | Description | Valid Values | Required |
KeepAliveInterval | Unsigned Integer | The maximum time in seconds for the connection to remain active without connection between the MQTT server and client | Default is 60 | N |
Username | String | The username to use in authentication and authorization | A valid username | N |
Password | String | The password to use in authentication and authorization | A valid password for the specified username | N |
ConnectTimeout | Unsigned Integer |
Interval in seconds to allow for a connection to complete
If set to zero (0), the connection never times out |
Default is 0 | N |
DisconnectTimeout | Unsigned Integer | Time interval in ms to allow in-flight message transfers to complete before disconnection | Default is 0 | N |
MQTTVersion | Unsigned Integer |
Specifies the MQTT version for communication
Valid values are as follows:
N |
SSLConfig | Object | The MQTT SSL configuration to use | See MQTT SSL Configuration Variables | N |
CleanStart | Boolean |
Clears the state at the start of the session
Used on all MQTTVersions (3.1.1 & V5)
Valid values are as follows:
N |
SessionExpiry | Unsigned Integer |
Only used if MQTTVersion is set to 5
The time in seconds for which the broker stores the session of a particular client If cleanstart is false , Session state is stored until the session expiry interval.
Default is 0 | N |
RetryInterval | Unsigned Integer | Time in seconds to retry publish requests if not acknowledged | Default is 0 | N |
MinRetryInterval | Unsigned Integer | The minimum automatic reconnect retry interval in seconds. Doubled on each failed retry | Default is 1 | N |
MaxRetryInterval | Unsigned Integer | The maximum automatic reconnect retry interval in seconds. The doubling stops on failed retries | Default is 60 | N |
MaxBufferedMessages | Unsigned Integer | The maximum number of messages to be buffered. The value should always be greater than 0 as the same buffer is used when the client is connected | Default is 100 | N |
MQTT SSL Configuration Variables
The following table describes the MQTT SSL configuration variables:
Parameter | Type | Description | Valid Values | Required |
SSLVersion | Unsigned Integer |
Specifies the SSL version
Valid values are as follows:
N |
EnableServerCertAuth | Boolean |
Specifies whether to enable verification of the server certificate
Valid values are as follows:
N |
TrustStore | String | The Public Digital certificate trusted by the MQTT client in PEM format | A valid certificate in PEM format | N |
KeyStore | String | The Public certificate chain of the MQTT client in PEM format | A valid certificate chain in PEM format | N |
PrivateKey | String | The private key of the MQTT client in PEM format | A valid key in PEM format | N |
PrivateKeyPasswd | String | The password to load the client's private key | A valid password for the private key | N |
EnabledCipherSuites | String | The Cipher suite presented by the client to the server during the SSL handshake |
Default is All
For valid values, refer to the OpenSSL cipher list For further information, refer to the OpenSSL documentation |
N |
MQTT Bridge as an Exporter
MQTT Bridge can be configured for use as an Exporter that can subscribe topic(s) on a bus to publish to a configured MQTT topic in JSON format. When used as an Exporter, the data can be exported to external systems, such as:
- Amazon Web Services (AWS), as described in Export Data to AWS
- Google Cloud, as described in Export Data to Google Cloud
- Azure, as described in Export Data to Azure
Export Data to AWS
To export data to AWS, you must have already done the following:
- Created the required resources
- Attached a policy to a thing
- Activated the certificate on the AWS console
For further information on creating a thing and activating a device certificate, refer to the AWS Developer's Guide.
Example Configuration for Export to AWS
The configuration required to export data to AWS using the MQTT Bridge component is described below.
MQTT Configuration for Export to AWS
The following parameters must be configured:
Parameter | Setting |
ServerURI |
The REST API endpoint
For example ssl://
ClientID |
The identifier of the thing
For example: c-sdk-client-id
MQTT Client Configuration for Export to AWS
The following parameters must be configured:
Parameter | String |
ClearStart | 1 |
MQTT SSL Configuration for Export to AWS
The following parameters must be configured:
Parameter | String |
SSLVersion | 3 |
TrustStore |
Full path to the root CA file for AWS
The CA file was downloaded during the creation of the certificate For example: /xrt/examples/Exporters/mqtt/aws/rootCA1.pem |
KeyStore |
Full path to the certificate generated for the thing
For example: /xrt/examples/Exporters/mqtt/aws/34aa6e6a89-certificate.pem.crt |
PrivateKey |
Full path to the private key generated for the thing
For example: /xrt/examples/Exporters/mqtt/aws/34aa6e6a89-private.pem.key |
Example Configuration File for Export to AWS
The following JSON configuration could be used to apply the settings described above:
"ServerURI": "ssl://",
"ClientID": "c-sdk-client-id",
"MQTTInstance": 0,
"QoS": 1,
"KeepAliveInterval": 10,
"MQTTVersion": 4,
"Reliable": true,
"ConnectTimeout": 30,
"CleanSession": 1,
"EnableServerCertAuth": true,
"SSLVersion": 3,
"TrustStore": "/xrt/examples/Exporters/mqtt/aws/rootCA1.pem",
"KeyStore": "/xrt/examples/Exporters/mqtt/aws/34aa6e6a89-
certificate.pem.crt ",
"PrivateKey": "/xrt/examples/Exporters/mqtt/aws/34aa6e6a89-
private.pem.key ",
"EnabledCipherSuites": "ALL"
Export Data to Google Cloud
To export data to Google Cloud, you must have already done the following:
- Created the Google Cloud project
- Created a device
- Created registries
For further information on creating a Google Cloud project, refer to the Google Cloud documentation.
Example Configuration for Export to Google Cloud
The configuration required to export data to Google Cloud using the MQTT Bridge component is described below.
MQTT Configuration for Export to Google Cloud
The following parameters must be configured:
Parameter | String |
ServerURI |
The REST API endpoint
For example: ssl://
ClientID |
The full path to the device
For example: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/registries/REGISTRY_ID/devices/DEVICE_ID |
Topic |
The MQTT topic to which to publish
This is /devices/<Device_ID>/events/<topic> |
MQTT Client Configuration for Export to Google Cloud
The following parameters must be configured:
Parameter | String |
Username | An arbitrary username, such as unused or ignored, to allow the Password parameter to be sent |
Password | Set this to default |
MQTT SSL Configuration for Export to Google Cloud
The following parameters must be configured:
Parameter | String |
TrustStore |
Full path to the roots.pem file
The roots.pem file is available for download on Google Cloud For example: /xrt/examples/Exporters/mqtt/google/roots.pem |
PrivateKey |
Full path to the 2048 bit RSA key pair private key
This can be generated as described in the Creating key pairs section of the Google Cloud documentation Upload the public key to the device registered For example: /xrt/examples/Exporters/mqtt/google/iot_dell_export_mqtt.pem |
Example Configuration File for Export to Google Cloud
The following JSON configuration could be used to apply the settings described above:
"ServerURI": "ssl://",
"ClientID": "projects/light-trail-249010/locations/europe-west1/registries/xrt-mqtt-export-
test / devices / test - device - xrt - mqttexport ",
"MQTTInstance": 1,
"QoS": 1,
"KeepAliveInterval": 60,
"MQTTVersion": 4,
"Reliable": true,
"ConnectTimeout": 30,
"Username": "ignored",
"Password": "default",
"EnableServerCertAuth": true,
"SSLVersion": 3,
"TrustStore": "/xrt/examples/Exporters/mqtt/google/roots.pem",
"PrivateKey": "/xrt/examples/Exporters/mqtt/google/iot_dell_export_mqtt.pem ",
"EnabledCipherSuites": "ALL",
"PrivateKeyPasswd": " "
Export Data to Azure
It is possible to export data to Azure via MQTT without using Azure IoT SDK. For details, refer to the IoTHub MQTT Support
You must have already done the following:
- Create Azure login
- Create IoT Hub using Azure Portal or using Azure CLI
Here are the steps to install CLI and generate the token for use in the configuration:
Install Azure CLI on Ubuntu
curl -sL | sudo bash
Create a device
az iot hub device-identity create -n <iot_hub> -d <device_name>
This require Azure login
Generate a SAS token
az iot hub generate-sas-token -d <device_name> -n <iot_hub>
Add an optional parameter
--du <time>
to provide the duration of the token validity. Default value is 3600 seconds. For details, refer to the Azure IoT Hub Generate SAS Token -
Root CA
To use MQTT protocol directly from xrt, the connection must be over TLS/SSL. In order to connect over TSL, download the DigiCert Baltimore CyberTrust Root Certificate from digicert-root-certificates and store it as root.pem to secure the connection.
MQTT Bridge Configuration changes required to export data to Microsoft Azure
The configuration required to export data to Azure Cloud using the MQTT Bridge component is described below.
MQTT Configuration for Export to Azure
The following parameters must be configured:
Parameter | Setting |
ServerURI |
The REST API endpoint
ClientID |
Device Id created as mentioned in Step 2
For example: test-azure-device
MQTT Client Configuration for Export to Azure
The following parameters must be configured:
Parameter | String |
Username |
Username to authenticate
Password |
SAS token generated as mentioned in Step 3
SharedAccessSignature sr=<SAS>
MQTTVersion |
MQTT v3.1.1 on port 8883
MQTT SSL Configuration for Export to Azure
The following parameters must be configured:
Parameter | String |
TrustStore |
Full path to the root.pem file
Downloaded roots.pem file as mentioned in Step 4 For example: /xrt/examples/Exporters/mqtt/azure/root.pem |
MQTT Bridge Configuration to communicate with Azure
The following parameters must be configured:
Parameter | Setting |
Patterns |
Topic to publish telemetry (device to cloud)
MQTTPatterns |
Topic filter to subscribe for receiving messages from IoT Hub (cloud to device)
Use Azure portal to send data to the device
To receive data back to the device, do the following:
In the Azure Portal, open the IoT hub that is being used and navigate to the created device. Select Message to Device
button and the fill in the message body to send the data.
Here is an example:
"client": "example",
"request_id": "1010",
"op": "device:add",
"type": "xrt.request:1.0",
"device": "Virtual-Device",
"device_info": {
"profileName": "device-virtual",
"Address": "device-virtual-01"
is added.
For details on the operations supported, refer section MQTT Management
MQTT Bridge Configuration Example
The following example configures an MQTT bridge component to publish data on the topics defined in Patterns and subscribes to the topic defined in MQTTPatterns
"Patterns": [ "xrt/devices/bacnet_ip/telemetry", "xrt/devices/bacnet_ip/reply", "xrt/devices/bacnet_ip/discovery" ],
"MQTTPatterns": ["xrt/devices/bacnet_ip/request"],
"Compress": [{"xrt/devices/bacnet_ip/telemetry": "gzip"}]
"ServerURI": "tcp://",
"ClientID": "mqtt_bridge",
"MQTTInstance": 0,
"QoS": 1,
"KeepAliveInterval": 0,
"Reliable": true,
"Username": "test",
"Password": "test",
"ConnectTimeout": 0,
"MQTTVersion": 5,
"EnableServerCertAuth": true,
"SSLVersion": 3,
"TrustStore": "roots.pem",
"KeyStore": "public_key.pem",
"PrivateKey": "PEM format - private_key.pem",
"EnabledCipherSuites": "ALL",
"PrivateKeyPasswd": " "