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InfluxDB Exporter Component

The InfluxDB Exporter component subscribes to a Bus and exports data matching subscription patterns to a configurable InfluxDB database.

The InfluxDB Exporter component can be configured to work with InfluxDB-1.x or InfluxDB-2.x. This component also supports batching the input data to optimize writes to InfluxDB.

InfluxDB Exporter Configuration Variables

The following table describes the generic configuration variables that are used with the InfluxDB Exporter component:

Parameter Type Description Valid Values Required
Library String The shared library implementing the command component Y
Factory String The name of the C function used to instantiate the component xrt_influxdb_exporter_factory Y
InfluxVersion Unsigned Integer Indicate the InfluxDB Version to use Valid values are as follows:
  • 1 (default)
  • 2
ServerURI String The URI of the Server to use URI where the influxDB server is running Y
Bus String The name of the Bus component to use The name of an existing Bus component Y
Logger String The name of the Logger component to use The name of an existing Logger component N
SelectData Array An array of selection data See Select Data Configuration Variables Y
QueueSize Unsigned Integer The size of the queue for the subscriber to hold messages Default: 4 N
ConnectTimeout Unsigned Integer The connection timeout in milliseconds Default is 1000 N
Timeout Unsigned Integer The data transfer timeout in milliseconds Default is 0 (no timeout during transfer) N
BatchConfig Object Batch configuration for incoming messages See Batch Configuration Variables N

Include the following configuration variables to export data to:


Parameter Type Description Valid Values Required
DBName String The name of the database to use The name of the database Y
AuthEnabled Boolean Determines user authentication

Set to true if auth-enabled is set to true in the influxdb.conf file
Valid values are as follows:
  • true
  • false (default)
UserName String User name for authentication

Set if AuthEnabled is set to true
A valid username N
Password String Password for authentication

Set if AuthEnabled is set to true
A valid password N


Parameter Type Description Valid Values Required
Bucket String Name of the bucket to use The name of the created bucket Y
Org String Name of the Influx organization to use The name of the created organization Y
Token String Access Token The name of the created access token Y
Measurement String Influx Measurement Valid values are as follows:
  • DeviceName (default)
  • ScheduleName
  • DeviceCommand
  • ResourceName
Tags String Array Influx Tag(s) Valid values are as follows:
  • TagDeviceName
  • TagScheduleName


Create organization, Bucket and Token using Web UI or influx CLI.

Required Device Service configuration:

  • Set TimeStamp to true to get timestamp from the source. If not set, the data written to InfluxDB will be overwritten for batch writes (set using BatchConfig).
  • Set PublishSource to true to get the sourcename, required when Measurement is set to DeviceCommand
  • Set tags to {"ScheduleName":"<name>"} in schedules.json to get the schedulename, required when Measurement or Tag is set to ScheduleName

Select Data Configuration Variables

The following table describes the configuration variables that can be used to configure the selection data from various sources:

Parameter Type Description Valid Values Required
Format Enum The default JSON encoding used for data received from the device Valid values are as follows:
  • Device
  • Raw (default)
Pattern String The pattern to match on the Bus component for subscription Y
Scope String The name to store as measurement

measurement is determined based on the value of Format, as follows:
  • If Format is set to Device, measurement is the name of the device
  • If Format is set to Raw, measurement is the value of Scope, if set, or the name of the topic
Measurement identifier to use when Format is set to Raw N

Batch Configuration Variables

Parameter Type Description Valid Values Required
BatchSize Unsigned Integer The number of messages to batch before publishing them Default: 0 N
BatchTimeout Unsigned Integer The interval in milliseconds for which batching occurs before the batch is published Default: 0 N
Scheduler String The Scheduler component to use The name of an existing Scheduler component Y
ThreadPool String The name of the Threadpool component to use The name of an existing Threadpool component Y
Priority Integer The priority of the scheduler thread The range is system-dependent

For example on Linux it is usually between 1 and 100 with 1 being the lowest priority and 100 being the highest priority

InfluxDB Exporter Configuration Example

The following example configures an InfluxDB export component to write data to InfluxDB-1.x server:

  "Library": "",
  "Factory": "xrt_influxdb_exporter_factory",
  "ServerURI": "",
  "DBName": "influxdb_test",
  "AuthEnabled": true,
  "UserName": "admin",
  "Password": "admin",
  "SelectData": [
  {"Pattern": "device/data", "Format": "Device"}
    "BatchSize": 5,
    "BatchTimeout": 5000,
  "Bus": "bus",
  "Logger": "logger",
  "ConnectTimeout": 750,
  "Timeout": 1500

To write to InfluxDB-2.x, configure the InfluxDB exporter component as below :

  "Library": "",
  "Factory": "xrt_influxdb_exporter_factory",
  "InfluxVersion": 2,
  "ServerURI": "",
  "Bucket" : "test_bucket",
  "Org": "IoTechSys",
  "Token": "abcdef==",
  "SelectData": [
    { "Pattern": "device/#", "Format": "Device"}
  "Measurement": "DeviceCommand",
  "Tags": ["TagScheduleName", "TagDeviceName"],
    "BatchSize": 5,
    "BatchTimeout": 5000,
  "Bus": "bus",
  "Logger": "logger_debug",
  "ConnectTimeout": 4000,
  "Timeout": 1500