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Ring Buffer Exporter Component

The Ring Buffer component records events to the memory buffer. When the buffer is full, a fresh recorded event replaces the oldest event in the buffer. When an event is sent to the Ring Buffer's control topic, the content of the Ring Buffer is published. The published data includes the following:

  • The topic used to publish an event
  • The time at which the event was published in nanoseconds since the Epoch
  • The event

Ring Buffer Configuration Variables

The following table describes the configuration variables that can be used with the Ring Buffer component:

Parameter Type Description Valid Values Required
Bus String The name of the Bus component to use The name of an existing Bus component Y
Logger String The name of the Logger component to use The name of an existing Logger component N
Pattern String The pattern to match on the Bus component for subscription Default: # N
PubTopic String The name of the topic on which to publish recorded events Default: ring/data N
ControlTopic String The name of the topic on which to receive an event to trigger publication

The content of the triggering event is ignored
Default: ring/control N
BufferSize Unsigned Integer The maximum number of events held in the ring buffer Default: 500 N