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MQTT Management API

Edge Xrt provides an MQTT API with an associated set of messages and supporting topic hierarchy through which to manage both generic components and devices plus their data. This bi-directional API makes it easy to integrate Edge Xrt into third party platforms, applications or management systems, for example Edge Xpert.

The API supports the following groups of MQTT messages that can be used to manage Xrt components, devices and their data:

  • Component Management – messages provide List, Read, Update and Discovery operations for Components registered with Edge Xrt

  • Device Management – messages provide Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations for Devices registered with Edge Xrt

  • Profile Management – messages provide CRUD operations for Device Profiles used to configure Xrt Device Services

  • Schedule Management – messages provide CRUD operations for Schedules used to control data polling rates associated with Device Resources

  • Device Discovery Management – messages provide operations that control the triggering of device auto discovery for protocols (e.g. BACNet, OPC UA, BLE) that provide such features


Devices, profiles, and schedules have unique names scoped to a device service instance. This is also true for topics used to manage them. To understand how to configure a device service component and their topics please see: Device Service Component Configuration

All messages are encoded as JSON. Devices, Profiles, and Schedules have unique names scoped to a device service instance. All operations are in the form of an asynchronous Remote Procedure Call (RPC) over MQTT. The RPC is implemented a JSON request sent onto a request topic, with the JSON reply sent onto a reply topic. Unique request identifiers (usually a UUID) are used by the client to corrolate requests with replies. Note that internally all Xrt command and control work across the internal local bus (modelled on MQTT), however when bridged into MQTT, using the MQTT bridge component, it in effect acts as if part of an external MQTT hierarchy.

MQTT Topics

Each device service can be configured to support a number of MQTT topics used to support management via MQTT based RPC, these are:

Configuration Usage Example Mandatory
RequestTopic Topic used to send operation requests to a device service xrt/devices/bacnet/request Yes
ReplyTopic Topic used to send operation replies from a device service xrt/devices/bacnet/reply Yes
TelemetryTopic Topic used to send generated telemetry (device readings) from a device service xrt/devices/bacnet/telemetry No
NotificationTopic Topic used to send device status chage notifications from a device service xrt/devices/notification No
DiscoveryTopic Topic used to send discovered device profiles from a device service xrt/devices/bacnet/discovery No

The MQTT topics used to communicate are all configurable. An actual deployment would match the MQTT name space hierarchy to correspond the actual set of deployed device services. Note that only request and reply topics are mandatory. If topics for telemetry and discovery are not configured, this data is sent via the reply topic, where the type field in the reply can be used to disambiguate message types. All MQTT RPC operations use the request and reply topics, although typically the telemetry and discovery topics are used to separate the generated data stream from the reply data. However the reply topic can be used, in which case a client needs to disambiguate reply data from generated telemetry and discovery. If the notification topic is not configured, notifications are logged using the configured logger instead.

General Request Format

The RPC requests are represented as a JSON object with the following common fields:

Key Usage Mandatory
request_id The unique request identifier. This can be any valid JSON and is used by a client to match a request with a reply. Typically this is a UUID string. Yes
op The operation name. Operation names are made up of two colon separated strings. The first identifies the target object and the second the operation to be performed on this object. So the operation name to list devices is device:list. Yes
client The client identity. This can be any valid JSON and is returned in the corresponding reply. No
type Message type string. Identifies message type and version. For a request this is currently "xrt.request:1.0". If not set, it is assumed request is current supported version. No

Additional operation-specific request fields may be required. These are described for each specific operation.

Example device:list Request:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "fa7cdd1a-c0ee-4578-b33b-444d777f2301",
  "op": "device:list",
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

General Reply Format

The RPC replies are represented as a JSON object with the following common fields:

Key Usage Mandatory
request_id The unique request identifier. This is the request identifier sent in the corresponding request. Yes
type Message type string. Identifies message type and version. For a reply, this is currently "xrt.reply:1.0". Yes
result Request result. Format depends on request type Yes
client The client identity. This is the client identifier sent in the corresponding request. No

General Result Format

Within each reply are results from the corresponding request. As a minimum a reply status is returned indicating a success or error category and an optional error message to provide more information.

Key Usage Mandatory
status A numerical status. Zero indicating a success, other positive integers indicating a failure mode. Yes
error A string error, providing more information on failure. No

Additional operation-specific result fields may be present. These are described for each specific operation. The current set of supported status values is as follows:

Value Error Status Enumeration

Example Successful device:get Reply:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "94178bb8-a0ba-465f-ab31-77f1ba81537f",
      "BinaryInput1": { "origin": 1611161894180636200, "value": true, "type": "bool" }
    "status": 0
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Example Failed Request Reply:

    "error": "invalid operation",
    "status": 3

Telemetry Format

Telemetry is data generated by a device service. This comes from either schedules created on a device or asynchronous events generated by a device. Telemetry data consists of a set of resources read from a device.

Argument Type Configurable Description
device string No The name of the device generating the telemetry
readings object No Set of generated resource names and values
sourceName string Yes If a scheduled reading, the name of the resource
type string No Telemetry message type and version. For telemetry "xrt.telemetry:1.0"
tags object No Telemetry tags. These can be configured on a device service, a schedule or a profile command

Telemetry Tagging

User configurable tags can be added to generated telemetry. These can either be set at the scope of individual resources or at the scope of a telemetry message consisting of multiple resources.

Tag Origin Scope
Profile Resource Resource
Profile Command Message
Device Service Configuration Message
Schedule Configuration Message

Configurable telemetry fields are not generated unless they have been specifically enabled via a device service configuration option.

Telemetry example:

    "analog_input_0:object-type": { "type":"uint32","value":0,"tags":{"Meta":true}},
    "analog_input_0:present-value": { "type":"float32","value":1.55000000e+03 }


It is the user's responsibility to ensure that tags from different origins have unique key values.

Notification Format

Notifications are generated when the status of a device or device service changes, or if other administrative device events occur. The extent of events which may be reported varies from one device service to another, but may include such things as device connection / disconnection, controller state changes and diagnostic reports.

Notifications may additionally be generated by configuring a Bus Logger for any XRT component. This will generate notifications for every log message.

Argument Type Mandatory Description
component string Yes The name of the component (typically a device service) generating the notification
timestamp integer Yes The time at which the notification was generated
device_name string No The name of the device to which the notification relates
severity string Yes The importance of this notification. This is equivalent to a Log Level, ie ERROR, WARN, Info, Debug or Trace
event string Yes Short name for the event that has occurred. This will generally use a vernacular appropriate to the device class in question, eg PNIO_ALARM_DEV_RETURN for Profinet devices connecting
message string Yes A description of the event
details object No Any other information

XRT defines the following generic event names: * XRT_LOG - identifies notifications from the Bus Logger component * XRT_OPSTATE - the operational state of a device has changed. Here the details object will indicate the new state, eg {"state": "up"}

Notification example:

  "component": "profinet",
  "timestamp": 1663341779217648,
  "device_name": "netHAT",
  "severity": "Debug",
  "event": "PNIO_CBE_DEV_ACT_CONF",
  "message": "Device has been activated",
    "result": 0

Device Format

Devices represent a physical device connected to an Xrt device service. Device data can be generated via discovery, or manually specified.

Argument Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes The name of the device
profileName string Sometimes The name of the profile associated with the device
protocols object Yes Set of protocols associated with the device
properties object No Set of properties associated with the device
scheduleDeadBand integer No Deadband for schedules run on the device (in milliseconds)

Device example:

  "name": "3befe158-ed46-4afc-b838-7bcf96b4e414",
  "profileName": "modbus-sim",
      "Address": "/tmp/virtualport",
      "BaudRate": 19200,
      "DataBits": 8,
      "Parity": "N",
      "StopBits": 1,
      "UnitID": 3
    "vendor": "IOTech"
  "scheduleDeadBand": 1000


The device name may be used as the device object key, so it may not be explicitly set in the JSON object representation, for example in device discovery format.

Schedule Format

Schedules are used to register timed, polled reads of device resources, or add asynchronous notification support. Note that asynchronous notification support is protocol specific. If a protocol specific asynchronous notification is configured and a device service is unable to support this (for example due to resource limit constraints) then, if an interval is also set, a schedule will be created instead.

Argument Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes The name of the schedule.
device string Yes The name of the device on which the schedule is run.
resource string or array of strings Yes The resource name or array of resource names to be read. Names can be regular expressions.
interval integer No Interval at which schedule is to run in microseconds. Optional if asynchronous notification also configured.
on_change boolean No Whether only changed values are published. Default value is false.
tags object No Tags added to generated telemetry messages.
units boolean No Whether to publish resource units for polled reads if specified in a profile. Default value is false.
options object No Protocol specific options.

Note that resource names can also be regular expressions, so for example to schedule a read on all digital inputs "Digital Input*" could be used.

Schedule example with BACnet COV registration and fallback polling:

  "name": "1c28183b-837f-466d-84c5-42a6bcfcf428",
  "device": "15d6b69e-2d9a-48a3-a433-cb6e42929804",
  "resource": ["Universal Input 2:present-value","Universal Input 2:units"],
  "interval": 5000000,
  "tags": {"Group":"Input2"},
  "options": { "COV": { "Confirmed": true, "Lifetime": 360 } }

Device Discovery Format

Discovery data is generated by a device service for a protocol that supports device discovery. Discovery semantics are controled by the set of supported discovery operations. By default discovery data is generated on the discovery topic. Discovery can be configured to occur on a scheduled interval or explicity invoked with the discovery:trigger operation.

Argument Type Description
devices object Set of meta-data for discovered devices. With each device name used as a key for the device meta information.
type string Discovery message type and version. For discovery "xrt.device.discovery:1.0"

Discovery example:

  "type": "xrt.device.discovery:1.0",
        "ApplicationSoftware": "1.0",
        "Contactable": true,
        "DeviceType": "BACnet-IP",
        "Firmware": "1.0.0",
        "IP": "",
        "InstanceID": 2345,
        "ModelName": "IOTech SIM",
        "ObjectName": "SimpleServer",
        "Port": 47808,
        "VendorID": 1313,
        "VendorName": "IOTech"
      "protocols": { "BACnet-IP": { "DeviceInstance": 2345 } }

Reading Format

A reading represents a resource (value) on a device that can be read or written. Reading can be generated via an explicit device get operation, a repeating scheduled reading or an asynchronous device notification. Readings can be written via device put operations.

Argument Type Description Mandatory
type string A string representing the data type of the value Yes
value varying The data value Yes
origin integer The data timestamp in nanoseconds No
tags object Tags associated with the resource in a profile No
units string Units associated with the resource in a profile No

Multiple readings are represented as a JSON object where the associated resource name string is a key for the associated reading. Readings that have been read can have an optional timestamp (enabled via configuration of a device service).

Readings example:

  "BinaryInput1": { "origin": 1611161894180636200, "type": "bool", "value": true },
  "AnalogInput1": { "origin": 1611161894180636220, "type": "uint32", "value": 3423 },
  "Status": { "origin": 1611161894180636240, "type": "stringarray", "value": [ "disabled", "active" ] }

The following set of reading data types are supported:

Name Type JSON Example
bool Boolean true
int8 Signed 8 bit integer -12
uint8 Unsigned 8 bit integer 123
int16 Signed 16 bit integer -1234
uint16 Unsigned 16 bit integer 1234
int32 Signed 32 bit integer -1234567
uint32 Unsigned 32 bit integer 1234567>
int64 Signed 64 bit integer -1234567890123
uint64 Unsigned 64 bit integer 1234567890123
boolarray Array of boolean [true, false, true]>
int8array Array of signed 8 bit integers [-128, 0, 127]
uint8array Array of unsigned 8 bit integers [0, 1, 2]
int16array Array of signed 16 bit integers [-32768, 0, 32767]
uint16array Array of unsigned 16 bit integers [0, 1, 2, 65535]
int32array Array of signed 32 bit integers [-2147483648, 0, 2147483647]
uint32array Array of unsigned 32 bit integers [0, 1, 2, 4294967295]
int64array Array of signed 64 bit integers [-9223372036854775808, 0, 9223372036854775807]
uint64array Array of unsigned 64 bit integers [0, 1, 2, 18446744073709551615]
string A String "an example string"
stringarray Array of strings ["string1", "string2", "string3"]
binary A base64 encoded binary string "ASNFZw=="
object Composed object type {"value" : { "example" : 1234}}
objectarray Array of composed objects [{"value1" : 1234}, {"value2" : 5678}]

Note that array types can support multi-dimensional arrays:

Multi-dimensional integer array JSON example:

[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]

Component Management

Component management operations are supported on an Xrt server instance containing a command component. See Command Component

The component management functions are essentially to support the dynamic discovery and update of component configurations. Dynamic re-configuration is only supported on a per component basis, see component specific documentation to determine what features are supported. Operations are supported to list, read, update and discover components.

Operation Description
"component:list" List components
"component:read" Read a component state and configuration information
"component:update" Update a component configuration information
"component:discover" Discover state and configuration of all components
"component:exit" Causes all components to exit and server process to terminate

List Components

Return a list of component names.

Operation: component:list

Request example:

  "client": "client0",
  "request_id": "0eb23c34-b38a-4e46-96ac-d1fb2b8c5597",
  "op": "component:list",
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

Reply example:

  "client": "client0",
  "request_id": "0eb23c34-b38a-4e46-96ac-d1fb2b8c5597",
    "components": ["bus","logger","pool","sched","bacnet","mqtt_bridge"],
    "status": 0
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Read Component

Returns the state of a named component.

Operation: component:read

Request example:

  "client": "client0",
  "request_id": "462cd4fe-caf7-4f2b-83b3-f32084866087",
  "op": "component:read",
  "component": "logger",
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

Reply example:

  "client": "client0",
  "request_id": "462cd4fe-caf7-4f2b-83b3-f32084866087",
      "category": "IOT::Core",
    "status": 0
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Update Component

Updates the state of a named component. Currently only the component configuration can be updated.

Operation: component:update

Request example:

  "client": "client0",
  "request_id": "33aab1e3-44d0-4e01-9487-fe9e9cd51a9e",
  "op": "component:update",
  "component": "logger",
  "config": { "Level": "info" }
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

Reply example:

  "client": "client0",
  "request_id": "33aab1e3-44d0-4e01-9487-fe9e9cd51a9e",
  "result": { "status": 0 },
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Discover Components

Discover set of installed components. State and configuration for each component is published. The optional category parameter can be used to filter on the category of components returned.

Operation: component:discover

Request example:

  "client": "client2",
  "request_id": "929950d5-2323-4b6f-a102-9ee423c2ecac",
  "op": "component:discover",
  "category": "IOT::Core",
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

Reply example:

  "client": "client2",
  "request_id": "929950d5-2323-4b6f-a102-9ee423c2ecac",
    "status": 0,
        "name": "xrt",
        "state": "Running",
        "type": "XRT::Config",
        "category": "IOT::Core",
        "config": { "NodeId": "azathoth", "ServerId": "bacnet-ip-server" }
        "name": "logger",
        "state": "Running",
        "type": "IOT::Logger"
        "category": "IOT::Core",
        "config": { "Level": "Debug", "Name": "console" },
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Exit Components

Exit all components and terminate server process. When Xrt is deployed using systemd, this causes a restart of the Xrt server instance. This supports applying new component configurations that cannot be updated dynamically. The server ID in the request must match the server ID of the Xrt instance, or the wild card "*" is used. This supports shutting down multiple Xrt instances via a shared command Topic. A delay (in milliseconds) can also be set before the server process exits (this defaults to one second). If a server delay is set at zero or a small period (less than a hundred or so milliseconds), the server may exit before the command reply can be sent.

Operation: component:exit

Request example:

  "client": "manager",
  "request_id": "963b8fd1-4bd5-42cb-b10f-adf20ff0b461",
  "op": "component:exit",
  "server_id": "*",
  "delay": 5000,
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

Reply example:

  "client": "manager",
  "request_id": "963b8fd1-4bd5-42cb-b10f-adf20ff0b461",
  "result": { "status": 0 },
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Device Management

Device management operations are supported on all device service components of an Xrt server instance.

Operations are supported to list, add, delete, read and update devices. In addition put and get operations support reading and writing device resources (data points). Note that discovered devices have an auto-generated UUID string for a name, manually configured devices can use more meaningful names.

Operation Description
"device:add" Add a new device
"device:delete" Delete an existing device
"device:list" List devices
"device:read" Read a device meta information
"device:update" Update a device meta information
"device:scan" Scan a device to generate a profile
"device:put" Write one or more values to a device
"device:get" Read one or more values from a device

The core management options are intended to be generic and portable across multiple protocols, although not all features are supported on all protocols (such as device discovery). However protocol-specific data can be required for the management of advanced or non standard features. This is handled via optional options fields in a variety of operations, details of these additional options are covered in the protocol specific documentation.

Device telemetry is controlled by schedules below.

List Devices

Return a list of device names.

Operation: device:list

Request example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "fa7cdd1a-c0ee-4578-b33b-444d777f2301",
  "op": "device:list",
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

Reply example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "fa7cdd1a-c0ee-4578-b33b-444d777f2301",
      "a18342fe-5c53-451e-829e-2b7063397caf", "c73cee57-05cd-4fac-9d8b-987026831927",
      "4bf7d20f-5a4d-42ab-a939-bfbabdf17500", "855458fd-9cdd-4022-97d3-d1b79d3653bd",
      "892db3be-73ff-43fb-9525-ca84a919952c", "cc9a85ee-e944-4430-9eeb-b29beea29301"
    "status": 0
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Add a Device

Adds a named device with meta information. If no profile name is specified the device will be created but will not be usable until the profile is set, for example by a device:update operation.

Operation: device:add

Argument Type Context Description
name string Request Name of device to add
device_info object Request Device meta-data

Request example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "404be6e3-e171-4547-bacb-151dfe0ae483",
  "op": "device:add",
  "device": "3befe158-ed46-4afc-b838-7bcf96b4e414",
    "profileName": "opc-ua-sim-profile",
    "protocols": { "OPC-UA":{ "Address": "localhost:49947", "Security": "None" } }
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"
Reply example:
  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "404be6e3-e171-4547-bacb-151dfe0ae483",
  "result": { "status": 0 },
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Scan a Device

This operation checks a device profile for updates. If no profile name is provided and the discovered profile is different from the existing profile, then a new UUID profile is generated, otherwise the existing profile remains unchanged. If a profile name is provided, a new named profile is always created even if the discovered profile is the same as the existing profile.

Operation: device:scan

Argument Type Context Mandatory Description
device string Request Yes Name of device to scan
profile string Request No Name of the profile to generate. Must not already exist.
options object Request No Xrt and device service specific scan options

The following Xrt options are available:

DiscoverInitialValues - Boolean controlling whether to include initially discovered values in the generated profile. This will override what was set in the device service configuration
profile string Result N/A Name of profile associated with device

Request example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "f07be237-8928-429c-b236-6fa1c59da216",
  "op": "device:scan",
  "device": "f02f87c9-6248-45e6-ac0f-1d74e20049ba",
  "profile": "NewProfile",
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"
Request example with BACnet targeted scan:
  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "f07be237-8928-429c-b236-6fa1c59da216",
  "op": "device:scan",
  "device": "bacnet-ip-sim1",
  "options": { "DiscoverInitialValues": false, "DiscoverProperties": [75, 36, 28, 81, 85, 103, 117, 87], "DiscoverObjects": [8, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 19] },
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

Reply example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "f07be237-8928-429c-b236-6fa1c59da216",
    "profile": "a3269a76-fc83-44ac-b3ca-2ecb7a7c4965",
    "status": 0
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Read Device Information

Returns meta-data information on a named device.

Operation: device:read

Argument Type Context Description
device string Request Name of device to read
device object Result Device meta-data

Request example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "73450fca-abdc-44af-be7d-65ca9fe3ffc1",
  "op": "device:read",
  "device": "3befe158-ed46-4afc-b838-7bcf96b4e414",
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"
Reply example:
  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "73450fca-abdc-44af-be7d-65ca9fe3ffc1",
      "name": "3befe158-ed46-4afc-b838-7bcf96b4e414",
      "profileName": "AI 4xU/I 2-wire ST_1",
      "protocols": { "Profinet": { "I-base": "0", "Q-base": "0" } },
        "name" : "AI 4xU/I 2-wire ST",
        "description" : "Analog input module AI4 x U/I 2-wire ST; 16-bit, common mode voltage 10 V; configurable diagnostics; supports PROFIenergy",
        "vendor": "SIEMENS"
    "status": 0
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Update Device Information

Change meta-data on a named device.

Operation: device:update

Argument Type Context Description
device string Request Name of device to update
device_info object Request Meta-data update for device

The device_info fields that can be updated in the request are:

  • profileName (string)
  • protocols (object)
  • properties (object)
  • operational (boolean)
  • enabled (boolean)

Request example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "815cf17b-1c19-4d66-b0fa-ff217dbca97e",
  "op": "device:update",
  "device": "3befe158-ed46-4afc-b838-7bcf96b4e414",
  "device_info":  { "profileName": "AI 4xU/I 2-wire ST_2" },
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"
Reply example:
  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "815cf17b-1c19-4d66-b0fa-ff217dbca97e",
  "result": { "status": 0 },
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Delete a Device

Deletes a named device.

Operation: device:delete

Argument Type Context Description
device string Request Name of device to be deleted

Request example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "ae813a79-c11c-459b-bf27-874699774025",
  "op": "device:delete",
  "device": "bacnet-ip-sim1",
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

Get Device Resources

Read one or more resource values from a device.

Operation: device:get

Argument Type Context Description
device string Request Name of device from which to read resources
resource string or array of strings Request Resource name or array of resource names, or regular expressions, to be read from the device
readings object Result Set of resource readings

Request example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "94178bb8-a0ba-465f-ab31-77f1ba81537f",
  "op": "device:get",
  "device": "damocles-0002b503c1ec",
  "resource": "BinaryInput1:present-value",
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"
Reply example:
  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "94178bb8-a0ba-465f-ab31-77f1ba81537f",
      "BinaryInput1": { "origin": 1611161894180636200, "value": true, "type": "bool" }
    "status": 0
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Put Device Resources

Write one or more resource values to a device

Operation: device:put

Argument Type Context Description
device string Request Name of device on which to write resources
values object Request Set of resource names and values to write to device
options object Request Protocol specific write options

Request example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "37d6faf3-8e0b-4f52-b02c-cdd833cbb528",
  "op": "device:put",
  "device": "damocles-0002b503c1ec",
    "BinaryOutput2:present-value": false,
    "BinaryOutput1:present-value": true
  "options": { "Priority":5 },
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

Profile Management

Operations are supported to list, add, delete, read and update profiles. A profile provides meta-data about all resources (values) that can be read or written to a device and allows these resources to be referenced by name in commands that access them. Profiles can be hand written (not recommended), generated via the IOTech web-based Device Configuration Tool (DCT) or discovered from a device (recommended), when supported by the protocol. As many real industrial devices may support many thousands of resources, manual generation of profiles is not feasible so discovery should be used wherever possible. Discovered profiles have a UUID string as a name.

Operation Description
"profile:add" Add a new profile
"profile:delete" Delete an existing profile
"profile:list" List profiles
"profile:read" Read a profile
"profile:update" Update a profile

List Profiles

Return a list of profile names.

Operation: profile:list

Argument Type Context Description
profiles string array Result Set of known profile names

Request example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "4fe9d670-eba7-474a-9f2a-8f22b695d32a",
  "op": "profile:list",
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"
Reply example:
  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "4fe9d670-eba7-474a-9f2a-8f22b695d32a",
      "fe04cd4b-1330-460e-bae9-eb75c8c0d556", "dd609c4d-a170-4289-a7f1-4ea0957423a3",
      "9ef618cc-2cce-4305-a577-3548344456a2", "912692af-8fcc-4174-812c-06db9617dfda"
    "status": 0
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Add a Profile

Adds a profile.

Operation: profile:add

Argument Type Context Description
profile object Request Profile to add

Request example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "66961ca5-d962-44d6-92d9-3f6c76ffc63a",
  "op": "profile:add",
    "description": "Settings for Originator to Target Implicit Data Exchange",
    "labels": [],
        "name": "Implicit O2T Settings",
        "attributes": { "type": "O2TSettings", "assemblyID": 112, "size": 496, "includeHeader32bit": true },
        "properties": { "valueType": "String", "readWrite": "R" }
    "name": "6c52903d-e942-4275-8f48-e8d927f3d2a6",
    "model": "DI 8x24VDC ST V1.0"
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

Read Profile Information

Returns information on a named profile.

Operation: profile:read

Argument Type Context Description
profile string Request Name of profile to read
profile object Result Read profile

Request example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "ae87de5c-3dd8-45c6-9101-2e0f7a92e402",
  "op": "profile:read",
  "profile": "6c52903d-e942-4275-8f48-e8d927f3d2a6",
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"
Reply example:
  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "ae87de5c-3dd8-45c6-9101-2e0f7a92e402",
      "description": "Digital input module DI8 x 24VDC ST; configurable diagnostics; input delay 0 to 20ms; input type 3 (IEC 61131); supports PROFIenergy",
      "labels": [],
          "description": "Inputs",
          "properties": { "valueType": "uint8", "readWrite": "R" },
          "name": "Inputs",
          "attributes": { "I-offset": "0" }
      "name": "6c52903d-e942-4275-8f48-e8d927f3d2a6",
      "model": "DI 8x24VDC ST V1.0"
    "status": 0
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Update a Profile

Replaces a named profile.

Operation: profile:update

Argument Type Context Description
profile object Request Updated profile

Request example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "7502b4e0-178d-4adc-961a-a312d28f1b0c",
  "op": "profile:update",
    "name": "bacnet-ip-sim-profile",
    "description": "Profile for IOTech BACnet Simulator",
    "model": "IOTech BACnet Simulator",
    "labels": [],
        "attributes": { "instance": 1, "property": 85, "type": 1 },
        "name": "analog_output_1:present-value",
        "properties": { "readWrite": "RW", "valueType": "float32" }
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

Delete a Profile

Removes a named profile.

Operation: profile:delete

Argument Type Context Description
profile string Request Name of profile to delete

Request example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "bddf5eba-db8c-442b-bd68-c7b505e8095c",
  "op": "profile:delete",
  "profile": "6c52903d-e942-4275-8f48-e8d927f3d2a6",
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

Schedule Management

Operations are supported to list, add, delete, read and update schedules. Schedules are used to regularly poll a device for resources. Also protocol specific extensions are supported to register asynchronous device generation of data (typically when an input value changes) or other events.

Operation Description
"schedule:add" Add a new schedule
"schedule:delete" Delete an existing schedule
"schedule:list" List schedules
"schedule:read" Read a schedule
"schedule:update" Update a schedule

List Schedules

Return a list of schedule names.

Operation: schedule:list

Argument Type Context Description
schedules string array Result Array of schedule names

Request example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "1e92b97e-47b0-4cc0-a4d1-5f927c2d87d9",
  "op": "schedule:list",
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"
Reply example:
  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "1e92b97e-47b0-4cc0-a4d1-5f927c2d87d9",
    "status": 0
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Add a Schedule

Adds a schedule.

Operation: schedule:add

Argument Type Context Description
schedule object Request Schedule to add

Request example including BACnet COV registration:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "a5755ee5-d937-4043-ba2b-39ac6bef3418",
  "op": "schedule:add",
    "name": "1c28183b-837f-466d-84c5-42a6bcfcf428",
    "device": "15d6b69e-2d9a-48a3-a433-cb6e42929804",
    "resource": ["Universal Input 2:present-value","Universal Input 2:units"],
    "interval": 5000000,
    "options": { "COV": { "Confirmed": true, "Lifetime": 360 } }
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

Read Schedule Information

Returns information on a named schedule.

Operation: schedule:read

Argument Type Context Description
schedule string Request Name of schedule to read
schedule object Result Read schedule

Request example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "a5755ee5-d937-4043-ba2b-39ac6bef3418",
  "op": "schedule:read",
  "schedule": "a5755ee5-d937-4043-ba2b-39ac6bef3418",
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"
Reply example:
  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "a5755ee5-d937-4043-ba2b-39ac6bef3418",
      "id": "a5755ee5-d937-4043-ba2b-39ac6bef3418",
      "device": "15d6b69e-2d9a-48a3-a433-cb6e42929804",
      "resource": [ "BinaryInput1:present-value", "BinaryInput2:present-value" ],
      "interval": 5000000
    "status": 0
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Update a Schedule

Replaces a named schedule.

Operation: schedule:update

Argument Type Context Description
schedule object Request Schedule to update

Request example:

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "99baccaf-2fbc-4377-80da-56bc16555cb9",
  "op": "schedule:update",
    "name": "1c28183b-837f-466d-84c5-42a6bcfcf428",
    "device": "15d6b69e-2d9a-48a3-a433-cb6e42929804",
    "resource": "BinaryInput1:present-value",
    "interval": 5000000,
    "on_change": true,
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

Delete a Schedule

Removes a named schedule.

Operation: schedule:delete

Argument Type Context Description
schedule string Request Name of schedule to delete

Request arguments: schedule name

  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "f7ad39e4-5b39-4293-b4ba-723c46872469",
  "op": "schedule:delete",
  "schedule": "1c28183b-837f-466d-84c5-42a6bcfcf428",
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

Device Discovery Management

Operations are supported to read and update device discovery options and explicitly trigger discovery.

Operation Description
"discovery:read" Read device discovery options
"discovery:update" Update device discovery option
"discovery:trigger" Trigger device discovery

Read Discovery Options

Returns the current discovery and re-discovery modes and scheduled interval.

Operation: discovery:read

Argument Type Context Description
mode string enumeration Result Discovery mode, "enabled", "disabled" or "unavailable" if cannot be determined from device
interval integer Result Discovery poll interval in seconds

Request example:

  "request_id": "abb2fa4f-68b8-4129-9df9-801c63e1d05f",
  "op": "discovery:read",
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"
Reply example:
  "client": "client1",
  "request_id": "abb2fa4f-68b8-4129-9df9-801c63e1d05f",
    "mode": "enabled",
    "interval": 0,
    "status": 0
  "type": "xrt.reply:1.0"

Update Discovery Options

Changes discovery mode and scheduled interval.

Operation: discovery:update

Argument Type Context Description
enable boolean Request Whether to enable or disable discovery
interval integer Request Discovery poll interval in seconds

Request example:

  "request_id": "b2d4710e-a6dc-4102-a9f7-e67cdfbb9c27",
  "op": "discovery:update",
  "enable": true,
  "interval": 3600,
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

Trigger Discovery

Triggers an immediate device discovery. Discovered devices are published to the discovery topic. Having discovery disabled does not effect this operation as the enable option is only applied to scheduled discovery.

Operation: discovery:trigger

Argument Type Context Description
options object Request Protocol specific discovery trigger options

Request example:

  "request_id": "a40c10f6-8489-401a-ac5f-5bd9942e995c",
  "op": "discovery:trigger",
    "DiscoveryDuration": 5000,
    "DiscoveryRetries": 2,
    "DiscoveryDeviceRange": [0, 999]
  "type": "xrt.request:1.0"

API Usage Patterns

There are multiple usage patterns that can be achieved using the Xrt message API.

Auto Registered Devices

Auto registration of new discovered devices can be enabled by setting the “AutoRegister” configuration property to true. The following sequence diagram show the sequence of messages exchanged to publish data from a newly discovered device.


Manual Device Registration
