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Build and Deploy Applications

You can deploy Xrt applications to Azure Sphere from the following host development systems:


Before deploying Xrt to Azure Sphere hardware, you must have set up the Azure Cloud as described in Set Up Azure Cloud.


You can use Visual Studio Code to configure, build and debug AzureSphere Xrt applications on Windows. To see how you can build on vscode see Building on Visual Studio Code.


You can use Visual Studio Code to configure, build and debug AzureSphere Xrt applications on Linux. To see how you can build on vscode see Building on Visual Studio Code.

You can also use the Linux command line to configure, build and debug Xrt Azure Sphere applications.

To build Xrt applications using the command line, enter the following commands:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Ninja" \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="/opt/azurespheresdk/CMakeFiles/AzureSphereToolchain.cmake" \
-DAZURE_SPHERE_TARGET_TOOLS_REVISION="<azsphere-sdk-version>" \
-DDEVICE="<device-service>" \
-DBOARD="<azure-board>" \
cd ..

<azsphere-sdk-version> can be found using:

azsphere --version
Please ensure version 22.11 or newer is being used.

<device-service> can be set to one of the following: * virtual * bacnet * modbus * ethernet-ip

azure-board can be set to one of the following: * mt3620-dk * mt3620-g100 * mt3620-sk * mt3620-sr620

To deploy and debug the built application using the command line, complete the following steps:

  1. Deploy the application and initiate a Telnet session, using the following commands:

    azsphere device sideload delete
    azsphere device sideload deploy --image-package build/xrt-app.imagepackage

  2. Start the application in debug mode, using the following commands, where CID is the unique identifier for the application:

    azsphere device app stop --component-id ${CID}
    azsphere device app start --debug --component-id ${CID}
    To monitor the application output, complete the following steps:

  3. Connect using Telnet, as follows:

    telnet 2342

  4. Open another command shell and enter the following command:

    /opt/azurespheresdk/Sysroots/15/tools/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdklinux/usr/bin/arm-poky-linux-musleabi/arm-poky-linux-musleabi-gdb xrt-app.out

  5. In gdb, enter the following commands:

    set sysroot /opt/azurespheresdk/Sysroots/15
    target remote

  6. View the debug output in the command shell.